Patricia Grau García
CPD Reina Sofía 2013
Solo II
Asphalt Sea
Little Red Riding Hood
The wild boar dance
Clap 10
"Water" S esionArt
Patricia Grau Garcia
I am a native of Callosa de Segura (Alicante). I studied at the C. S de Murcia "Manuel Massoti Little" where I obtained the Title of Middle Degree in the specialties of Piano and Musical Language and the Title of Superior Degree in Repentance, Transposition and Accompaniment,
My love for the arts It takes me from a very young age to investigate the world of dance taking countless courses in Spanish dance, flamenco and contemporary dance (Aida Gómez, Mariquilla, Blanca Li, Ramón Oller, Horacio Macuacua ... and in continuous training with Rosa Mª Herrador) Getting The Bachelor's Degree in Contemporary Dance at the Reina Sofía Dance Center in Granada.
My interest in artistic manifestations led me to expand my training with a Master in Performing Arts at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid
My concern for the body physical as an indissoluble mind-body connection takes me to study yoga and chiromassage, putting it into practice in my work as a teacher
Since 1992 I have been a career civil servant in the specialty of Repentance, Transposition and Accompaniment. And since 1997 I have been working as a teacher at the RCSMúsica de Granada "Victoria Eugenia".
Complementing my work teacher with my artistic side creating, imagining and investigating.
Artistic activity
As a performer I have participated in contemporary music ensembles:
Signaux , Oyaxtres, Group of Saxophones from Les Illes Baleares , and Be sonorous in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011
" E nsemble Infinito" in 2011, 2012 and 2013 Malaga
In transdisciplinary creations premiered at Fex :
Litium Lab with " Dream Vapor" multimedia show in 2010 .
" Solo II" music and dance duo in 2011
"Strata" and "Respiro" two video-performances, in 2013
In creation and performance laboratories:
In "Spora" ephemeral art festival
C on the Fura dels Baus in 2009
Open Lab with "The Expanded Body" in 2010
"Ritual Laboratory" in 2011, composing performance music
In "Bastard Scene " in 2016
Dance Theater Laboratory "Chespir" in the Cuarto Real de Sto Domingo in Granada 2019
As a dancer I have participated, in choreographies:
"Lost Steps" orchestra and dance solo, Almeria 2007
" The Weight of a Secret" theater of Atarfe (Granada) 2010
"In Memoriam" theater of Atarfe, in 2011
"Danz-Ando" in fex 2011
"Sea of Asphalt" in fex 2012
" Opposite Poles" by Teresa Nieto at the Palacio de Congresos de Granada and in the Museum of Fine Arts of Granada, in 2013 respectively
"The Rest of my days" duo for clarinet and dance at the Center for Contemporary Culture of the University of Granada, 2013
"Hilas de Lilith" installation, piano and dance performance, at the Cidy Hiaya Art Gallery in 2014
As a stage director choreographer and interpreter I have participated in two multilingual projects:
"The Age of the Eighth Note" in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Education Sciences in 2013 and in the Carmelo Martínez Festival in 2014
"Littlel Red Riding hood" , in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Education Sciences, in 2015. In the cultural week of CPM Angel Barrios, in 2016. With Sinfonendo, a solidarity musical project in 2016
And in
"El Retablo de Maese Pedro" , at the I Carmelo Martínez Music Festival, in 2013
"The love wizard" at the II Carmelo Martínez Music Festival, in 2014
"Songs of Lorca" at the IV Carmelo Martínez Music Festival, in 2016. And with the Jara Chamber group in the Caja Rural de Granada in 2011
" West Side Story" at the V Festival de Música Carmelo Martínez and at the Isidoro Máiquez theater in 2017. At the Guadix Classical Music Festival in 2018 .
As a choreographer and musical director, In 2012 he formed the body percussion group Clap 10 , with students from the music conservatory, In 2014 I think a new one that I am also part of as an interpreter, SessionArt , formed by 4 women musicians. Doing premieres :
with Clap 10 :
"Marching Band" at fex 2012. "Behind the scenes" at MAHS 2013. "Earth" in fex 2013 (with this piece we performed again at La Noche en blanco, in Atarfe and in Los Ogíjares .
with SesionArte:
"Water" in the White Night 2014. "Tigua" in the Faculty of Education Sciences "2015. Acting in the Hospital de San Rafael, the Dúrcal Street Festival and the Guadix classical music festival, 2014
AND as stage director of the duo musi c al "Romantic Composers from Granada of the XIX century" in the Corrala de Santiago in Gra nada 2019 .
I create in 2015 the children's musical duo: " DelaVegaSon" , Representing " The Dance of Wild boar " (adaptation of the original by Ursula Wölfel) with original music, in nursery schools schools and public libraries in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 .
As musical and artistic director:
"The Trunk of Memories" at Fex 2018
"MusicCoffe" at Fex 2019 and at the Andalusian Public Library in the Sala Val del Omar, in 2020
I create the performances musicals:
"Action Play" for the Science Park in the framework of the exhibition "Play Science and Music" in 2019
"Pandemonium" for the X edition of MAHS, in 2020
Artistic direction of the video-performances:
" Confinament Table" in 2020
"Six Feet" in 2020
"25 N" on 2019 and 2020
I participate and collaborate
In the III edition of the Interdisciplinary Festival of Contemporary Music of Luque, Córdoba in 2019.
In the Rimme Research project in 2018
In the Piiisa project, Performative music Education in 2018 and 2019
Articles on education, music and other artistic disciplines. "Early musical education"
"Body percussion and cognition", "Gestural communication", "Musical improvisation" etc
In 2017 the children's musical tale "The boar dance " original music
In 2019 the children's musical tale "The Sound Machine" with text and original music
Workshops given
Workshop Body Percussion at Dance CP Reina Sofía de Granada, February 2009
Workshop Body Percussion on Dance CP Reina Sofía of Granada, February 2010
Workshop Body Percussion in IES Alhama de Granada, May 2010
Music and Movement Course at the Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears, January 2011
Body Percussion Workshop at CP de Música Antonio Lorenzo de Motril, March 2011
Workshop Body Percussion at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, May 2011
Workshop Body Percussion in Dance CP Antonio Ruiz Soler from Seville, December 2011
Body Percussion and Dance Workshop at ESAD in Extremadura, February 2014
Workshop Music and Movement in CP "Gómez Moreno", in 2014-15
Workshop Music and Movement at CPM Carlos Ros de Guadix, April 2015.
Body Percussion Workshop at RCSM Sta Cecilia Roma, May 2015
Music and Movement Workshop at CEM Carmen Romero Avellaneda de Loja, 2016
Workshop Music and Movement in City of Jaén Music Band, December 2017
Workshop Music and Movement at EMMDO in Ogíjares, November 2018
Workshop The Body as an Instrument at CEM Pablo Ruíz Picasso in Malaga, April 2018
Teacher training courses
Promotion of Mental Health and Well-being in the Educational Context in Andalusian School of Public Health in February 2011 and 2013
In the Days of good educational practices Get excited at School at the CEP of Granada 2014
Music and Sounds to work in the Classroom at the CEP of Granada 2014
We go to auditorium 1 (infant and primary) Search, search ... and you will find at the CEP of Granada 2015
Music and Movement in the Classroom in the CEP of Granada june 2015
Educational performance in children Psychomotor, Creative, Musical and Emotional Expression at the CEP of Granada 2015
Training your brain from piano to kitchen Music, Movement and Cognition University of Almería, in the 2018 Summer courses
Piiisa 2019 with the coordinator Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Quiles
con Sebastiano, Oscar, Manuel, Julia, Fernando, Lino y Enrique